Mudiyanur Family Photo Album

Every album comes with its own set of storytelling challenges and for family albums, that challenge is generally making sure each person has their fair share of page space. For this album, we used a mix of sibling photos, spreads with all three girls (the sisters plus their cousin), and a few individual pages and spreads to give each sister the spotlight. 

We also wanted to keep the album simple using no text and primarily full page spreads to highlight the beautiful family. 

Finally, Rashmi went with a custom glossy cover with an adorable image of her two daughters hugging. The cover choice is so important because it really sets the tone for the album and this cover shot shows the warmth and love this family has for each other. 

To read more about our fun playground session at Commonwealth Lake Park in Portland, OR, visit their blog post

I'll be in Portland again September 26-October 3 and am looking to do as many family, couple and engagement shoots as possible. If you're interested, email me at

For a look at more of my Portland sessions: 

Jen and John's coffeehouse engagement session

Jen and John's Mt. Tabor elopement

Jeannie and Anne's Powell's City of Books and downtown engagement session


Portland Travel blog: 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

The rest